One of the most common fuctions on Easynote is to delete a task. On Easynote

there are several ways to delete tasks, so let us show you those.

Option 1. Rightclick on a task, and delete

  • Go to Easyview or Kanban view

  • Rightclick on the task

  • Click the delete button

Option 2. Open a task, Hit Delete key, on your keyboard

The second way to delete a task, is to

  • Click on a task to open it,

  • HIt Delete key on your keyboard,

    on your keyboard

  • Click Yes to delete it.

Option 3. Open a task, click 2 dots and delete

There third way to delete a task is

  • Click on a task to open it

  • Click on 2 dots to show more options

  • Click on the popup button which says delete