Easynote comes with many different notifications and there are 3 types of notifications that you can receive on Easynote.

To turn on/off and to manage what kind of notifications you would like to receive you can go to your Settings

Where do I go to find notification settings?

Manage notifications in Easynote
  1. Click on your name in top right corner

  2. Click on Settings

  3. To the left in the menu click on Pop-up & email notifications

To turn on notifications click on the ON button

To turn off the notifications click on the ON button again, and once the button is grayed out, that means that the notifications are turned off

What kind of notifications can I receive?

In Easynote you can receive several different notifications

  • When someone has mentioned me

  • When a new task has been created

  • When someone assigns me to a task (Task and subtask)

  • When someone has made a comment in a task

  • When someone has uploaded a file to a task

  • When someone has added a deadline to a task

  • When a task is about to expire (15 minutes before)

Where will the notifications be shown or received?

You can receive your notifications in 3 different places in Easynote.

  • Top notifications - At the topbar in Easynote

  • Pop-up notifications - In the right corner as pop-up

  • Email notifications - Receive notifications to your email