What are teams and people and how do they work?
Okay, so one of the most important things to get started to work together with your team and colleagues is to have them on the same team as you. Before someone can join your project, the need to be part of your team. So your team, is basicly you...
How to invite someone to a team
One of the most important things in Easynote, is to invite someone to a team. It means basicly, that you are inviting someone to be part of your company. Once they are part of your team, then you can invite them to different projects. Which mea...
How to set/remove a team administrator?
So you can have both team administrators and project administrators. Why would you need a team administrators. Well, imagine you are working for a company of 500 employees and they all need to be part of your team. I'm sure you don't want to man...
How to see how many people are on your team, and who they are?
So when you are using Easynote, you are paying for the license for the team members. And if you would like to know who your team members are and how many seats you have bought and used the this is the guide for you. So the first step is Go to T...
How to see all team members, and what projects they are members of.
If you would like to know, which projects all your team members are part of, then you Go to Teams and People Select the team, which you are owner of or member of Click on the following icon You will now see all your team members, and what projec...
How to switch between teams
So you might be member of several teams, and under different teams, you might be working in different projects. In order to switch to another team simply, click on The icon to get the dropdown menu and to change the team.
How to delete someone from your team
If you would like to delete someone from your team them you need to: Go to Teams and People Select the team which you are owner of or administrator of In team members, find the member you would like to delete and click on the COG icon to the r...